Here's the barbian near his starting zone.
Here's the barbian near his starting zone. I got the camera setup better this time, so photos should be a bit better quality this time around. Little bit less paranoid about Blizz. employees whoopin' my ass.
Date: 10/11/2008
Owner: James M. W.
Views: 1180
All classes get this as their first quest.
Just before they descend into the catacombs. The camera also pans down into a more 3D feel when talking to the mobs. It gives a great feel of importance, way to go Blizzard.
Date: 10/11/2008
Owner: James M. W.
Views: 1001
New Boots, got me some badass boots for my barbarian.
Look at all those stat gains :-D
Date: 10/11/2008
Owner: James M. W.
Views: 1001
Cathedral Catacombs - First Level - Blizzcon '08 Only Maybe?
Cathedral Catacombs - First Level - Blizzcon '08 Only Maybe?
Date: 10/11/2008
Owner: James M. W.
Views: 928
Whoa, look at that hole in the ground.
The game ran smooth as hell too and obviously the graphics looked amazing.
Date: 10/11/2008
Owner: James M. W.
Views: 926
Jeevis - Barbarian Level 6
Here's the character sheet for the Barbarian at level 6.
Date: 10/11/2008
Owner: James M. W.
Views: 970
Jeevis - Barbarian Level 6, Better shot.
Here's a tigher shot of the character sheet.
Date: 10/11/2008
Owner: James M. W.
Views: 986
Barbarian - Zoomed View - Plus new weapons
Got some new weapons. One has a frost enchant so that when he stabs someone, they freeze up. Then he whails in with the other blade. It's a vicious combo.
Date: 10/11/2008
Owner: James M. W.
Views: 942
Zoomed view of the default actionbar.
Here's a tighter shot of the Pre-Alpha actionbar. You'll note that your Left Mouse Button is locked, but your right mouse button can be switched with an alternate attack by hitting the tab key. It's an amazing ability. Seriously. Kudos to Blizzard.
Date: 10/11/2008
Owner: James M. W.
Views: 992
Dead bodies everywhere.
Just got done doin' some killing.
Date: 10/11/2008
Owner: James M. W.
Views: 1076
Crumbling dungeon.
Here's a crumbling floor in the catacombs. Another piece of awesome dungeon design.
Date: 10/11/2008
Owner: James M. W.
Views: 1105
Mighty Hammer - Not Yet Implemented - Heh.
Some features Blizzard hasn't quite implemented yet. It is Alpha folks.
Date: 10/11/2008
Owner: James M. W.
Views: 988
Natural Resistance - Skill Tree similiarities
Just poking through the skill tree.
Date: 10/11/2008
Owner: James M. W.
Views: 1071